5 runs for 22 miles - training for Seafair Half
Penny - P-Scrap - training for Furry 5K
5 runs for 10 miles - long run of 3 miles
My totals for the week...
2 Swims - 1.64 miles for 1:10 minutes - missed a Friday swim
1 Bike - 27 miles for 1:47 minutes
2 runs - 11.05 miles for 1:34 minutes
3 others - 2:40 minutes
8 workouts for 7:11 minutes.....about 45 minutes short of the target, but considering the week at work and the weather, that’s completely fine.

I dropped a run on Tuesday because of weather and missed a swim on Friday that was puppy related. And hey swim for 30 minutes at lunch or play in the yard with the Penny? Not a hard choice : )
Had three really good core workouts this week and a good bike ride on Saturday. Sprinkled on a bit for the first 10-15 minutes then the warm glorious sun came out for the rest of the ride, SWEET! The ride was a good way to cap off the week. Went out with the thought of only riding at about 75% and not pushing, (saving the legs for a long run around the Disco on Sunday).

After my bike fit this next Tuesday I’ll hopefully be able to tell the saga of the new,new,new(hopefully) bike.
It’s funny and scary how soon the end of March has rolled around. I started tri training this year on December 1st and couldn’t even let the thought of how far out the season was enter my mind. About three weeks preparing a training schedule, trying to be realistic about burning out with such a earlier start. The days are almost here when basic training and build training are going to be over and direct race training starts in. Last year it was bike to the gym for a swim before work, then one hour to one and a half hour bike after work or run before work then follow up with a second run after work. I love that frame of mind. You get lost, in a good way, in building. Building this road to get you where you want to be. Last year that road was top 100 at Kirkland. Every mile of training had that carrot, every echo of burning out had that vision of crossing the finish line knowing it would take this workout and the next and the next and the next to get there.
There was this thing I read on a website that said “I show up and race the person that I train to be, the others I hope do the same.” I like that . I always bait my week goals with the thought of the word “cumulative” and the phrase “Building the Machine”. This week ends the easy start to the training season and begins the doubles, bricks, two a days and hitting the bottle of sweet brown muscle candy ( ibuprofen ). I mean really, Issaquah Triathlon is in only 10 weeks............
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