The last couple weeks have been slow in going in getting the training season started. I blame it on the weather and - well the weather. Cold sucksssss.
Nookachamps went well, I pulled 20th out of 167ish, somewhere around there. It’s funny cause I came in over a minute slower than last year, but with a MUCH better result. I was looking at it as a training run and felt pretty comfortable during the race with the pacing I was keeping, pretty steady.
Over the last week I put in a few good runs to work and this last Saturday around Discovery Park. The run on Saturday was a bit of work, the first 3 miles or so were just real painful and heavy work. Not that it should ever be real easy, but this was just work.
Through the last rough mile I was thinking ‘I can just walk this out and get a good walk in to the top’. Then I started telling myself, ‘ you can run slow, but you can’t stop, because you don’t stop.’ In low gear and pushing up a hill I kept breathing, pace and not letting myself talk me into stopping and walking.
The line “Stronging it through the weak miles” came to mean -Keep moving through the miles you feel weak in and stay with it until you can pull out of it.
Hitting mile 4, the legs started picking up and I felt great rolling through the trails at the Disco. I ended up with a great run that started out flat and almost finishing 30 minutes earlier.
Coming in 20 sounds pretty good! Wondered if any of team in the little video & photo of Nookachamps but size of video too small to tell.
But at least it gives an idea of how the run looked.
Thanks for the link! I didn't see any of us in it, but that's OK. It was a fun event as always. 20th was pretty good for a training run, I didn't push much past about 80%. However, due to fitness level I was still just about running on empty at the finish.
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