On Friday, as most you know, we got 12 cubic yards of dirt dropped in the front yard that had to be moved to the back. Roughly 14 hours for each of us shoveling and pushing the wheel barrel up into the backyard. So that was Friday and ALL day Saturday.
So of course a bike ride around the lake sounded like a good idea!

I can usually find a rhythm and stay steady, even when the lights are dim and the hill is steep, but the head wind hit and Eileen just kept getting smaller and smaller. Not to take anything away from Eileen, she’s in great shape getting ready for the STP, but we’re usually pretty even. I was just dying out there at every corner pass the 30 mile mark.

So a great ride at 57 miles, but I think the next time, without moving a crap load of dirt the two days leading in, we could knock off an easy 30 minutes from our time. Probably more, since it felt like it took me about 30 minutes to go from Eileen’s house to ours after we split off. And we only live about 2 miles from each other???
Goal for the week is to wash my bike.
Weeks totals -
Swim - 2 for 1.37 miles 60 minutes
Bike - 2 for 39 miles 2:16 minutes
Run - 1 for 7 miles for 60 minutes
Other - 3 for 4:40 minutes
Total - 8 workouts for 9 hours
AK totals
5 Runs for 26 miles
It’s crazy that the season starts in a few weeks, here are some other totals that are kind of cool to see.
1st 8 weeks of 2008
Swim 10,04 miles / 7.47Hrs
Bike 100.5 miles / 6.58 Hrs
Run 97.57 miles / 13.2 Hrs
Other 8.42 hours
2nd 8 weeks of 2008
Swim 11.79 miles / 8.63 Hrs
Bike 313.06 miles / 22.08 Hrs
Run 94.27 miles / 13.53 Hrs
Other 8.88 Hrs

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