Sunday morning was calm and easy. We had scheduled this race
as a supported training run so there was no pre-race nervousness the night
before like with most races. Driving there was quick and easy, a friend doing
the 12k offered to drive so I knew I just had to make it to the car and I’d be
good in the morning.
I had a short run Saturday and the legs felt good, a little
tired, but no issues. I had 34 miles for the week already and was determined
not to rest for this race as I wanted to truly use it for training. Plus, 19
miles on tired legs is something I should be able to draw on over the next year
or so.
Run goal was to not go too deep and run easy. Nothing above
80% effort.
At the start I tucked in the back with Alley because we both
didn’t want to get caught up in the early race excitement and end up over doing
it too early, with 900ft in the first two miles that would be pretty easy to
do. I stayed with my group until mile 1 then slowly paced away from them, I was
loosely the last person in the bigger group up ahead breaking away.
I ran easy in the back until we hit the top of mile 2 then
wanted to enjoy the downhill within reason. I past about 10 people within the
first minute of the down section and started to run easy with lots of speed
carrying into the switchbacks. It still surprises me how fast you can gap people on the downhills. I could see 2 people about 10 seconds ahead and
was gaining quickly on them. On the switchbacks I could see a guy in an orange
shirt gaining on me and I yelled out something stupid like ‘YEAH, WORK THAT SHIT!’ I
love running the downs, but I really love watching someone run the downs.
I was staying on 6:10 pace and this guy was full out flying
behind me. LOVE IT!
He caught me just as I caught the 2 in front of me and about
3 seconds later we hit the 3 mile climb. Orange guy started the climb
aggressively and I never saw him again. I started the climb and did 2 minutes
on, one minute off. I kept telling myself it’s just like hill repeats, pace,
it’s a training run. I ignored the people around me and just concentrated on my
watch. 36 minutes to climb that beast, fukkas! I could of watched an episode of
Friends in that time.
I was kind of running with two guys up that thing, but
dropped them on the last qtr mile or so before the 1st aid station. I
stayed at a steady strong pace (not race pace) and looked back after 2 minutes
and there was no one.
I was happily in no mans land
I didn’t stop at the aid station and started on what turned
out to be my favorite part of the course. Rock scrambles, tight single track
turns, 2-4 ft drops, bounding from stone to stone. Running on the ridge, to the
left the hill fell away pretty quickly through heavy forest, while on the right
there was a stone wall about 4-6 ft high. Every once in a while the wall would
open up to a large flat stone and I could just catch a glimpse of the view to
the right. After the second time seeing an opening I told myself, ‘this is a
training run STOP and look!’ So on the 3rd one I rounded a corner
and ran up a 4 foot stone slab to the top to see the view………..HOLY SHIT!
I think I saw a monkey raising a baby lion up over it's head? Could of been the sweat in my eyes!?!
I could see about 3 valleys rolling into one another and a
mountain range behind them catching the amazing yellow cast of morning light. This side of the ridge was a cliff wall that just fell straight down. I stood
there for about a minute just drinking it all in. Then someone ran by. Oh.
That’s right, in the middle of a race, but so glad I stopped.
I caught up with the guy that went by, who was wearing a
Lake Stevens 70.3 visor, and followed him until we hit the down and he let me
go by. That was the last I saw of him. I still couldn’t believe what a beautiful
course we were getting to run on. By the bottom of that hill I could feel my
hips starting to tighten up and then after the endless 3rd climb I
couldn’t really get a good rhythm on the downs.
I’ve noticed lately that the Run Gods giveth and taketh, just
as easy one way, as the other.
By mile 12-13 my hips were pretty tight and the downhill
before the last climb was killing me. I felt like I was being pushed down the
hill and just barely had time to get me feet under me before falling forward.
This has happened a few times before, comes on so quickly, maybe over the
course of 3-4 minutes? It was a wide open easy down that I should have been
able to fly down, instead I was painfully scratching out 10 minute miles. Ugh….
Finally I hit the aid station at 14.4, which was the base of
the famed “Chinscraper”. *queue claps of thunder and a bwhahahahaha……
I walked (hiked) the whole thing : ) that shit was steep.
Reach out in front of you and grab a tree root steep.
On the hike up I stepped up oddly on a root with my right
leg and my inner thigh freaked out and spiked with pain. Hmmmm, this could be
bad!?! I stopped for a minute and started walking and then started to laugh a
bit because I wasn’t moving too much slower than before. So my plan was to
ignore it and shuffle along for a bit. By the time I hit the top, 30 minutes
later, the leg was fine and I felt oddly rested. Whatever.
So this was a training run and not a race. My mental rules
were as follows:
No racing
No effort above 80% perceived
No going “all in”at any point
Let people pass and go by without contest
: ) when I hit the start of the 4 mile downhill to the finish (dropping 1440’),
the hips were open for business again. I tested a bit then just gave the legs the “free
to fly” green light - (Run Gods Giveth)
was rested, legs were doing little work, heart rate was way down. Light, easy,
past 4 people in the last 3 mile stretch, but wasn’t trying to catch them. I
just kept saying to myself ‘have fun, run easy, enjoy this’
4 mile splits: 7:12, 7:02, 7:08, 7:35
in 3:38, 20th overall
of elevation gain
my pre-race goals were met. I never felt like I was racing, I didn’t care who
past me or who I past. I was just out for a long run on a great sunny day.
Amusing non-race race report. Good job, Wild Bill!
Great job Bill! Tha course sounded awesome!
Paul B.
Thanks Rebecca! Paul a must run through Fragrance Lake area.
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