The morning started with a light mist that was suppose to burn off by 10-10:30, that was what most the local news stations were reporting. And for the most part that was true.
Except that instead of the fog burning off it doubled in thickness and moved in pretty heavy over the course.
AK was off and running and I had 40 minutes to make it to the I-90 tunnel and c
I got there, took 2 pics of the crowds and stood up on the jersey barrier and didn’t realize that Shell and Lil’K were standing about 10 ft down the road from me. I laughed and said, “ What are you doing here?”.

AK was running on great pace for her would-be finish time of 4:40 and the days weather was perfect for running. After TK left her she was headed out to Seward Park.
The fog rolled in and got really thick at the bottom of Madison.
Mile 21 was at the top of a really nasty hill and AK pushed steady through the hill and was
still smiling.
I hung out at mile 26 for about 10 minutes before I saw AK and that was really a special place. The course ducks under Hwy 99 so the runners disappear for about 2 minutes then pop up right at mile 26. So all the support people wait and wait and keep saying he/she should be here, should be here, should be, not them, close - what time do you have, what were........“THERE THEY ARE!!!, YOU DID IT, YOU DO IT!!!” RANDOM SCREAMS!!! Cow bells...
At mile 16 I saw a girl hobbled, in serious pain and fell into her mothers arms saying,”I knew you were waiting and I had to make it to you.” The mother loaded her in a car and kept repeating “I’m so proud of you”
I think the best way to put your sport of choice in perspective is to sit it out and watch it
What AK wanted was 4:40, what she got was 4:33:06 - Pretty Sweet!
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